Call to become EIT Health Hub in Poland

EIT Health ogłasza nabór dla organizacji, które chcą zostać EIT Health Hub w Polsce. Możliwość ta jest otwarta dla pojedynczych organizacji lub konsorcjum składającego się z maksymalnie trzech organizacji.

EIT Health invites legal entities from Poland to apply to become EIT Health Hub within the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) programme.

EIT Health is launching a call to select organisations to become an EIT Health Hub in Poland. This opportunity is open to individual organisations or a consortium consisting of maximum three organisations.
The candidate organisations will be recognised as important players in the local healthcare innovation eco-system with a strong regional outreach, experienced in supporting entrepreneurs and capable of organising local events.
The selection process is implemented as an open call managed by EIT Health InnoStars, in accordance with the EIT RIS Implementation Framework, using clear and transparent selection criteria.
From 2022 EIT Health Hub will benefit from funding to implement the contractual obligations towards EIT Health and acquire complementary, regional or national funding for future activities.
The EIT Health Hub will develop an implementation plan, regularly update contact lists of relevant stakeholders, and maintain relations with selected regional players.
The EIT Health Hub will also engage in the exploration of the local start-up community, organise stakeholder events, workshops and trainings for students, start-ups, and entrepreneurial talents, and promote EIT Health portfolio of instruments.
Deadline for applications 17:00 CET, 14 March 2022.

More information:

If you would like to apply please contact us